Picket and Closeboard

Closeboard 2Closeboard Fencing

This is the ideal solution to enclose your garden and boundary area securely and keep your property private. It is also ideal for keeping pets enclosed and creating a secure area for children. The panels, posts and rails are supplied using treated softwood for strength and longevity.

Calculate: Measure the required length of the fence in meters. Posts; the length of the fence and divide by 1.8, round up and add 1. Rails; the length of the fence and divide by 3.6, round up and multiply by 2 or 3 (depending on how many horizontal rails you require) Boards; the length of the fence and multiply by 9.09 and add a few extra.


Example: 100 meter fence. 100 / 1.8 + 1 = 57 Posts. 100 / 3.6 x 2 = 56 Rails. 100 x 9.09 (plus a few extra) = 915 Boards.

TOP TIP! Closeboard Fencing comes in various lengths so can be tailored to suit uneven garden levels, keeping a tidy uniform finish.


PicketPicket Fencing

This is a traditional style in the United States and can be seen more and more over here due to its attractive appeal in any garden. It can be used as a boundary fence without being over obtrusive. Our Picket Fencing is made from treated softwood to withstand the elements and last for many years.

Calculate: Measure the legth of the required fence in meters. Rails; the length of the fence divided by 1.8, round up and add 1 multiply by 2. Posts; number of rails plus 1. Pales; see example!

Example: 10 meter fence. 10 / 1.8 + 1 x 2 = 14 Rails. Posts = 15. Pales (72mm width) 72 x 2 = 144. 10 / 0.144 = 70 Pales.

TOP TIP! Use one Picket Pale width to calculate the space between each pale. This will give an even look to your fence.